April 2002 Update Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * Inauguration Event at United Nations – A Milestone * First GRI Board Chair Selected – Dr. Judy Henderson * GRI Secretariat is Amsterdam-Bound * Dr. Allen White Appointed Acting Chief Executive * >>> read more
MEPs call for mandatory social and environmental reporting
Source: EurActiv.com, 24 April 2002On 23 April, the European Parliament’s Employment Committee voted on its report on corporate social responsibility (CSR). It asks for obligatory requirements for social and environmental reporting to be introduced. Background: In July 2001, the European Commission issued a Green >>> read more
GRI announces move to Amsterdam
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 22 April 2002AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international sustainability reporting institution that was formally inaugurated at a United Nations ceremony on 4 April 2002, has announced that its permanent Secretariat headquarters will be opened later this year in Amsterdam, >>> read more
NGOs call for stricter corporate accountability rules
Source: Euractiv.com, 22 April 2002On 18 April, as part of the ‘Green Week’, a seminar was held on global governance and corporate accountability. A number of NGOs called on the EU to promote legally binding instruments for corporate accountability to be introduced at the >>> read more
Study of mandatory CER systems in Europe published
Source: , 22 April 2002Tareq Emtairah, Research Associate of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics of Lund University, published his review of policy action aimed at regulating corporate environmental reports (CERs) in Europe with the view of giving guidance on the feasibility of >>> read more
Draft ISO report about CSR published
Source: ISO, 15 April 2002The draft report "The Desirability and Feasibility of ISO Corporate Social Responsibility Standards" is now available for comments. The draft report was prepared by the "Consumer Protection in the Global Market" Working Group of COPOLCO, the Consumer Policy Committee of >>> read more
ACCA announces UK winners of first annual Environmental and Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: ACCA Global, 11 April 2002Nine organisations have shared the first 11 Awards given by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) for Sustainability Reporting in the UK. At a ceremony in London this morning, the winning organisations received their awards from the Rt. Hon. >>> read more
Companies Skirt Disclosure of Environmental Liabilities
Source: SocialFunds.Com, 9 April 2002In a new study to be released next month, the Oakland-based Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment spotlights a pervasive corporate practice–the underdisclosure of environmental liabilities. In the post-Enron landscape, the investment community has grown increasingly aware that underdisclosure >>> read more
Global trends are reshaping business strategy and markets
Source: WBCSD, 8 April 2002Businesses that wish to survive and thrive in a global economy must respond to major social and environmental trends that are reshaping markets, says a report released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Business Council for Sustainable >>> read more
GRI welcomes EU CSR proposals
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 April 2002Proposals on corporate social responsibility issued by the European Commission yesterday have been welcomed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). GRI has developed globally applicable guidelines for the reporting of economic, environmental and social performance. The aim is to standardise >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative Inaugurated at U.N. Event
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 5 April 2002The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international sustainability reporting institution, was formally inaugurated at a luncheon attended by over 200 guests at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on 4 April 2002. The GRI was convened in 1997 >>> read more
Draft Version of the 2002 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 2 April 2002The GRI is pleased to release the Draft Version of the 2002 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for public review and comment. The road to this Draft Version of the Guidelines began in July 2000, immediately after release of the June >>> read more