EU Parliament’s report on CSR takes shape

Source:, 27 March 2002

On 25 March, the European Parliament’s Industry Committee adopted its contribution to the Parliament’s opinion on the Green Paper on corporate social responsibility (CSR). In July 2001, the European Commission issued a Green Paper on a European framework for corporate >>> read more

Dutch practice in sustainability

Source: DHV, 26 March 2002

In the Netherlands several companies have done experiences in the field of sustainable enterpreneurship. DHV, a Dutch based consultancy, made the Sustainability ScoreCard, a management instrument for sustainability. The following article gives an overview of some exeperiences with this tool. >>> read more

New study links human rights to business risk

Source: Amnesty UK, 26 March 2002

Corporate policy makers from FTSE-listed companies have met with human rights advocates and fund managers to discuss the potential business risks associated with human rights abuses in the countries where they operate. Amnesty International UK and The Prince of Wales >>> read more

Big businesses fail green end of year report

Source: Friends of the Earth, 25 March 2002

(a press message issued in january 2002). In what is a major end-of-year embarrassment for the Prime Minister, big businesses have failed to meet Tony Blair’s only environmental challenge: to publish environmental reports by the end of 2001.The Prime Minister >>> read more

Canadian Study challenges SRI underperformance myth

Source: Straight Goods, 22 March 2002

The first academic study of social investment returns in Canada disputes the conventional wisdom that socially responsible investment underperforms conventional investment. The study, entitled Socially Responsible Investing: Better for Your Soul or Your Bottom Line?, was carried out by Paul >>> read more

Evaluation of the ICC Charter for Sustainable Development

Source: ICC, 20 March 2002

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched its Business Charter for Sustainable Development in 1990. The Charter consisted of a short introduction and a set of 16 principles for environmental management and has been one of the most discussed ICC >>> read more