The GRI and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Global Compact have formed a new cooperative framework. Companies endorsing the Global Compact’s nine-point principles covering human, labour and environmental rights, may now use GRI reporting to fulfill Global Compact participation expectations. "Companies >>> read more
The European Response to Public Demands for Global Corporate Responsibility
Source: National Policy Association (USA), 11 February 2002The National Policy Association, an US organisation, has researched the CSR policy of some EU coutries. Europeans have sprung ahead of the United States in fostering an environment that has led to a plethora of innovative public policies. In the >>> read more
Sir Peter Davis launched social responsibility reporting UK website
Source: Business in the Comunity, 5 February 2002Sir Peter Davis, the chairman of Business in the Community, launched of a new source of company information for City analysts, investors, consumers and other stakeholders. The Impact on Society Reporting Website is a new online research tool for those >>> read more
CSR topics in Global CEO Survey
Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers UK, 5 February 2002CEOs the world over are taking decisive actions to address the challenges of the global economy, become more transparent in the information shared with investors, and capitalise on the promise of the Internet — all the while maintaining focus on >>> read more
New Report from Sustainability: ‘Good News and Bad’
Source: Sustainability, 31 January 2002SustainAbility is pleased to announce the launch of its latest report, Good News & Bad: The Media, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. The media is one of the most powerful, yet least trusted and least accountable institutions in the >>> read more
GRI update january 2002
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 29 January 2002January 2002 Update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * First GRI Board of Directors Announced * Measurement Working Group (MWG) Winds Down * Revisions Working Group (RWG) Formed * Verification Working Group (VWG) Update * Taiwanese Companies Tackle Sustainability >>> read more
Report Looks at Best Practices in International Corporate Community Involvement
Source: The Center for Corporate Citizenship, 29 January 2002Many leading firms want to be a force for good, both at home and overseas. The anti-globalization movement, as well as the events of September 11, have given added cause for businesses to look closely at the impression they make >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative Announces First Board of Directors
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 25 January 2002The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), convened to develop an internationally accepted framework for sustainability reporting for businesses and other organisations, announced today the appointment of fourteen members to its first Board of Directors. This announcement brings a year long independent >>> read more
Update of the ISO-CSR activities
Source: ISO COPOLCO CSR, 9 January 2002The CSR and Standards Forum was created in August, 2001, following the May, 2001 meeting of ISO COPOLCO (Consumer Policy Committee) in Oslo, Norway. The purpose of the Forum is to facilitate worldwide discussion of the possible role of standards >>> read more
Survey casts doubt over caring qualities of FTSE 100 companies
Source: ERM, 9 January 2002FTSE 100 companies are making great progress in reporting on the social impacts of their activities. But most have yet to demonstrate real performance improvements on key social issues. Thats the key message from a survey released by consultancy ERM >>> read more
New guidelines for environmental reporting of the UK government
Source: UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 9 January 2002The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) published a new version of guidelines for companies to publish an environmental report. These general guidelines spell out in detail the main elements we would expect to see in environmental >>> read more
First sector report based on GRI
Source: The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders in the United Kingdom, 13 December 2001The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders in the United Kingdom recently released their 2nd Annual Report, which is believed to be the world’s first sector-level report aligned with the GRI Guidelines. SMMT President Nick Reilly CBE, unveiled the 2nd >>> read more