GRI update january 2002

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 29 January 2002

January 2002 Update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * First GRI Board of Directors Announced * Measurement Working Group (MWG) Winds Down * Revisions Working Group (RWG) Formed * Verification Working Group (VWG) Update * Taiwanese Companies Tackle Sustainability >>> read more

Update of the ISO-CSR activities

Source: ISO COPOLCO CSR, 9 January 2002

The CSR and Standards Forum was created in August, 2001, following the May, 2001 meeting of ISO COPOLCO (Consumer Policy Committee) in Oslo, Norway. The purpose of the Forum is to facilitate worldwide discussion of the possible role of standards >>> read more

First Canadian Survey of Sustainability Reporting

Source: Stratos Inc., 4 December 2001

The first in-depth examination of corporate sustainability reporting practices in Canada assesses the quality and coverage of sustainability information that companies provide to the public. It does not assess corporate performance, but reviews how companies report on their sustainability practices. >>> read more