VNO-NCW: initiatief Koenders en Rabbae onnodig

Source: VNO-NCW, 20 July 2001

Onnodig en ongewenst. Dat vindt de ondernemingsorganisatie VNO-NCW van het initiatief van Tweede-Kamerleden Koenders (PvdA) en Rabbae (GroenLinks) om ondernemingen te laten rapporteren over de maatschappelijke aspecten van hun internationale activiteiten. VNO-NCW is voorstander van transparantie over ondernemen in binnen >>> read more

Companies´ sustainability performance under scrutiny

Source: SERM, 20 July 2001

Powerful new scrutiny of top-tier FTSE-listed companies social and environmental performance by SERM Rating Agency shows some disturbing gaps between best-in-class and their poorer performing sector peers, in terms of their net risk to capital value. In addition, Rating outputs >>> read more

Commission urges greater Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe

Source: EU, 18 July 2001

Shortly after the European Commission’s communication on quality of work, Commissioners Anna Diamantopoulou (Employment and Social Affairs) and Erkki Liikanen (Enterprise and Information Society) today presented a Green Paper on promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility(1), whereby companies >>> read more

ISO will develop Environmental Communications Guideline (ISO 14000)

Source: ISO, 5 July 2001

National delegations participating in the ISO TC 207 have voted in favor of writing a guidance standard on environmental communications. The document will present basic principles for companies to communicate environmental information publicly and inside their organisations. It will also >>> read more

GRI update june 2001

Source: GRI, 29 June 2001

A new update from GRI, the Global Reporting Initiative for sustainability reporting guidelines. Governance and Institutionalisation * Nominating Committee Finalised The final two members of the Nominating Committee have been appointed. Pierre Sané is the Assistant Director General of Social >>> read more

A principled bottom line

Source: Financial Times, 29 June 2001

(Published in The Financial Times of 26 june 2001) Investors are behind an upsurge in auditing for ethics, says Alison Maitland The UK-based chip designer ARM Holdings thinks it is doing pretty well by its shareholders, staff, customers and local >>> read more