An update of the Global Reporting Iniative: * Measurement Working Group Subgroups Take Shape *Board of Directors Nominating *Committee Members Announced *Thirty-one Companies Join Structured Feedback Process *Site Selection Update *GRI on the Road Measurement Working Group Subgroups Take Shape >>> read more
EPI-Finance: Indicators measuring the environmental performance of financial institutions
Source: EPI Finance, 27 March 2001Numerous financial institutions have started installing environmental management systems. In ISO terms, such companies need to show continuous improvement of both their environmental management system and the environmental performance of their business processes. A better understanding of what and how >>> read more
Shell International and Co-operative Bank plc. best reporters of the UK
Source: ACCA, 23 March 2001Ten years of progress in environmental reporting were commemorated at the tenth ACCA UK Environmental Reporting Awards at the British Library in London today. Five awards were made to mark achievement in the year 2000 while a further four were >>> read more
GRI Update February 2001
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 5 March 2001**Major Guidelines Improvement Effort Launched The revision of the June 2000 first edition of the GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines is just getting under way. One key area of revision work is the performance section (Part C, Section 6) of the >>> read more
New UN report finds positive link between corporate sustainable development programmes and financial success
Source: Sustainability/UNEP, 9 February 2001There is a real, positive pay-off from corporate triple bottom line programmes, according to SustainAbility’s new report for the United Nations. The report, Buried Treasure: Uncovering the business case for corporate sustainability, is based on international research and finds that >>> read more
Groups Press Corporations to Disclose Enviro Risks
Source: Greenbiz, 6 February 2001An environmental think tank and a socially responsible investment firm have joined forces to press corporations on reporting environmental risks. And theyve called on the Securities and Exchange Commission for muscle. The World Resources Institute and Calvert called on corporate >>> read more
GRI Update January 2001
Source: GRI, 27 January 2001A new update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), guidelines for sustainability reporting. Get Involved! How To Get Involved With Improving The Guidelines: The GRI needs your help as we begin the process of revising the June 2000 first edition >>> read more
Corporate Environmental Research Now Available to Individual Investors
Source:, 24 January 2001Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, Inc. and have announced a joint marketing agreement to provide individual investors with access to corporate environmental performance research previously available only to the institutional marketplace. The research reports, now offered on, utilize Innovests >>> read more
Research shows emerging relationship between environmental performance and shareholder wealth
Source: The Assabet Group, 19 January 2001Does superior environmental performance indicate increased shareholder value? An emerging body of evidence suggests it may. After a generation of experience with environmental issues, regulations, and management efforts, an active debate has emerged over whether environmental activities are value-adding or >>> read more
Analysis of Responses to FEE Discussion paper "Providing Assurance on Environmental Reports"
Source: FEE, 10 January 2001What makes environmental reports worth the (recycled) paper they’re printed on? The latest thinking on assurance reports the independent examinations that make environmental reports more valuable to users has been identified by the European Federation of Accountants (FEE). The International >>> read more
Guidance for measuring and improving business performance and stakeholder relations SMEs
Source: , 10 January 2001The United Nations Environment Programme´s Division of Technology, Industry and Environment and the Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Enterprise Group at the Wuppertal Institute in Germany have jointly developed the Efficient Entrepreneur Calendar for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In combination with >>> read more
Paper published about eco-indicators
Source: TNO, 3 January 2001A new period is now emerging. A period in which society demands that companies pay attention to the social and environmental, as well as the economic, results of their actions. A period when companies must earn their societal license to >>> read more