BSR releases new report comparing CSR-related standards

Source: BSR, 22 December 2000

To help companies sort through the complex and growing number of standards, guidelines, and codes designed to guide corporate practices on issues ranging from human rights to the environment, BSR has just published "A Comparison of Selected Corporate Social Responsibility-Related >>> read more

GRI Update december 2000

Source: GRI, 19 December 2000

An update from GRI, the Global Reporting Initiative, guidelines for sustainability reporting. Subjects: * Priorities for GRI Identified at Washington Symposium * Investors Urge CEOs to Publish Sustainability Reports * More Companies Following Sustainability Reporting Guidelines * Recent GRI Presentations >>> read more

Measuring Environmental Performance of Industry (MEPI) launched it’s website

Source: SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, 6 December 2000

New Website Launched: This new website presents the results of a major two-year research project on the environmental performance of European firms in the manufacturing industry. The European Commission-funded project developed a practical approach to performance measurement, and collected >>> read more

EPA Study Highlights Financial Link to Environmental Performance

Source: National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology Environmental Capital Markets Committee (US EPA), 3 November 2000

Report encourages overcoming the barriers to integrating the value of environmental strategies into financial analyses. Social investors and environmental advocates have long argued that sound environmental performance is part of responsible business practice and can add to a company’s profitability. >>> read more

Danes strengthen corporate reporting rules

Source: ENDS Daily, 23 October 2000

The Danish government has moved to tighten up its compulsory "green accounts" system for the most environmentally significant companies with presentation to parliament of a new bill. One aim of the legislative changes is to link the country’s system of >>> read more