What do companies with improved financial results have in common in terms of ESG practices and frameworks?

Source: The  Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), 17 December 2020

The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) announces its fourth consecutive 2020 Annual Research into ESG Ratings and Sustainability Reporting Trends in North America, focusing in common ESG practices and frameworks used by companies and organizations with improved financial results (e.g Annual Revenues >>> read more

IFAC Responds to IFRS Foundation Sustainability Reporting Consultation

Source: IFAC, 14 December 2020

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) submitted its response to the IFRS Foundation’s Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting, issuing a resounding “yes” to the question of whether an international sustainability standards board is needed to lead a coherent global system >>> read more

The state of EU Environmental Disclosure in 2020

Source: CDSB, 7 December 2020

In a new report CDSB has taken a deep dive into the environmental disclosures of the largest listed companies in the EU. The third in the series, we pick up where our previous report ‘Falling Short?’ left off. We will compare where >>> read more

ESMA specifies obligations on environmentally sustainable activities

Source: ESMA, 2 December 2020

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has published its Consultation Paper containing ESMA’s draft advice to the European Commission on Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation. This specifies the content, methodology and presentation of >>> read more