GRI announced the Agriculture and fishing standard – project group

Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 25 May 2020

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have announced the members of the project working group leading the work to create a new sustainability reporting standard for agriculture and fishing. The multi-stakeholder group, which includes diverse representatives from around the world, has met virtually >>> read more

Sustainability reporting and IFRS

Source: XBRL, 22 May 2020

There is a compelling case for the IFRS Foundation to help develop globally comparable standards for sustainability reporting – according to a recent speech from IFRS Foundation Trustee Teresa Ko. Ko’s speech, given at the inaugural meeting of the Hong >>> read more

78% of Europe’s largest companies falling short of adequately reporting environmental and climate-related risks despite EU guidelines

Source: CDSB, 19 May 2020

The findings from the latest analysis of environmental and climate-related disclosure by Europe’s major companies reveal that current corporate reporting practices could fall short on delivering on the objectives of the European Green Deal and the 2050 climate neutrality target. Launched today, the Climate Disclosure Standard Board’s (CDSB) “Falling short?” report analyses the 2019 environmental and climate-related disclosures of >>> read more