GRI expands global reach as ASEAN Regional Hub opens in Singapore

Source: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 3 September 2019

A new GRI Regional Hub has officially opened today in Singapore, to serve the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The office will support ASEAN companies with relevant services and training, helping them on their journey >>> read more

Reporting drives corporate change to achieve SDGs

Source: , 10 August 2019

An ambitious project has been launched to explore how the private sector can actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and what the role of reporting and partnerships is to support this process. GRI, the sustainability reporting standard >>> read more

GRI’s annual report is ‘most accessible and transparent ever’

Source: , 12 July 2019

GRI has demonstrated its commitment to increasing and improving the tools available to support sustainability report preparers, as showcased in its latest annual report. In GRI’s ‘Towards more and better reporting’ 2018 Annual Report, the organization demonstrates how to navigate >>> read more