Surprising Trends in Sustainability Reporting in North America

Source: , 7 September 2017

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) announces its second annual research of Sustainability Reporting Trends in North America 2017. This report presents 2015-2016 trends from 551 companies from the United States and Canada, many from the Fortune Global 500.  The >>> read more

Record EPRA Awards for sustainability reporting

Source: , 6 September 2017

Europe’s listed property industry achieved a record number of top Awards for sustainability reporting at the European Public Real Estate Association’s (EPRA) 2017 Conference in London on Wednesday. The rapid improvement in transparency for the industry’s sustainability credentials has also >>> read more

A revolution started in reporting standards

Source: Corporate Finance, 30 August 2017

The concept of integrated reporting originates from the idea that enterprises, especially multinationals, should not just continue disclosing financial statements to secure the trust and confidence of the markets, their shareholders and investors. But they should also explain the impact >>> read more

How to make your materiality assessment worth the effort

Source: GreenBiz.Com, 15 August 2017

In the sustainability world, “materiality assessments” are the backbone of reporting. They help identify an organization’s most “material issues” and determine what should be reported. The process of identifying these issues involves reaching out to internal and external stakeholders to >>> read more