Can Corporate Reporting Help End Poverty

Source: , 13 June 2017

Companies impact poverty, and poverty, in turn, impacts them. Businesses, therefore, have an important role to play in eradicating poverty and supporting sustainable development. The benefit is mutual – stronger economies and stable societies create vast opportunities for growth in >>> read more

GRI co-convenes investors on the SDGs

Source: , 6 June 2017

At a recent meeting with investors in Stockholm, GRI and UN Global Compact brought the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to the table. The discussion highlighted current bottlenecks in sustainable investment and what should be done to resolve them. The >>> read more

Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: ESG Reporting – Six Reasons Why

Source: CFI, 6 June 2017

The corporate reporting of sustainability data – call it ESG, or environmental, social, and governance data – has come a long way. Only 20% of Fortune 500 companies reported ESG data in 2011. By 2016, according to the Governance and >>> read more

Green Reporting Takes Root

Source:, 2 June 2017

As more investors link sustainability with alpha, they press issuers for meaningful environmental and social disclosures. In its most recent 10-K filing, Host Hotels & Resorts included two charts showing energy and water use at its properties over the prior >>> read more

How to add ESG to your annual report

Source: IR Magazine, 1 June 2017

It might not always be easy to quantify but investors still want the information It’s a quotation that is often misattributed to Albert Einstein: ‘Just because you can count it doesn’t mean it counts, and just because you can’t count >>> read more