CSR Europe publishes first sustainability report

Source: , 23 May 2017

Through the work CSR Europe does with companies and stakeholders at CSR Europe, the organisation has recognised over the years the importance of transparency in managing organisations responsibly. CSR Europe is pleased to announce that we have fully embraced this approach and >>> read more

GRI and SASB take next step in cooperation

Source: , 7 May 2017

Last week, GRI and SASB took the stage together in a joint session at the Ceres Conference in San Francisco, revealing further collaboration plans.​ Most people working in the field of sustainability are familiar with the so-called rivalry between GRI >>> read more

The value of reporting on non-financial performance

Source: Carbon Clear, 26 April 2017

In today’s complex business landscape, companies are expected to deliver more than profits and shareholder value: they are increasingly focusing on their non-financial performance. One element of this Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach is investing human and financial resources in >>> read more