Harmonizing sustainability reporting practices in India

Source: , 16 February 2017

Companies based in India can now easily link GRI Standards and disclosures with the business responsibility reporting requirements set by the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The guidance for linking GRI Standards to the SEBI Framework was published >>> read more

SASB Publishes Conceptual Framework and Rules of Procedure

Source: , 15 February 2017

SASB today released the final SASB Rules of Procedure and the SASB Conceptual Framework, two governance documents that establish the principles and processes of SASB’s approach to standards development. The governance documents were proposed for a 90-day public comment period in >>> read more

London Stock Exchange Group launches guidance for ESG Reporting

Source: , 14 February 2017

London Stock Exchange Group has today issued guidance, through its Global Sustainable Investment Centre, setting out recommendations for good practice in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting. The global guide responds to demand from investors for a more consistent approach >>> read more