Shining a light on human rights disclosure

Source: GRI, 9 December 2016

“For business to maximize its contribution to sustainable development, it must put efforts to advance respect for human rights at the heart of the people part of sustainable development,” said John G. Ruggie, former UN Special Representative on Business & >>> read more

Sustainability Disclosures Fall Short

Source: CFO, 7 December 2016

Sustainability is still far from the top priority for most investors, but environmental factors can have material impacts on the health and longevity of a company. By increasing energy efficiency, for example, companies can bring down operational costs. Effectively managing >>> read more

Closing the Sustainability-Investor Relations Gap

Source: Sustainability, 5 December 2016

Too few companies get clear sustainability performance messages out to their investors and one of the main barriers is the internal dynamic between Sustainability and IR departments. This is a key finding from SustainAbility’s latest research, Closing the Sustainability-Investor Relations Gap. >>> read more

IIRC release results of Stakeholder Feedback Survey

Source: IIRC, 5 December 2016

he IIRC today releases the results of the IIRC’s first ever stakeholder feedback survey. There were 535 responses to the survey which was live between 25 May and 24 June 2016. Important findings include: Global views on <IR> 62% of respondents >>> read more