Sustainability reporting hits guidance overload

Source: ACCA Global, 23 August 2016

A plethora of different guidance for reporting on sustainability has left CFOs floundering. What could make them take ownership of this important issue? Ramona Dzinkowski reports. This article was first published in the September 2016 international edition of Accounting and Business >>> read more

Integrated reporting as a sustainability tool

Source: GreenBiz.Com, 16 August 2016

Organizations often spend a disproportionate amount of time focused on writing and publishing an integrated report rather than on the more difficult considerations that will make the report a reflection of the way a company ethically and responsibly delivers superior financial performance. But >>> read more

Sustainability reporting and disclosure – What does the future look like?

Source: PWC, 11 August 2016

Sustainability reporting has become more mainstream, as companies attempt to respond to stakeholders’ expectations for more transparency regarding how sustainability matters impact a company’s strategy, operations and long-term prospects. However, today’s sustainability reporting may not meet the needs of some >>> read more

Should Corporate ESG Disclosures Be Mandatory?

Source: Environmental Leader, 11 August 2016

Corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure is mostly voluntary — and rarely enforced in the cases even where it is mandatory — in the US. As investors and regulators demand greater ESG disclosures, a growing number of sustainability reporting frameworks, >>> read more

A look into the future of reporting standards

Source: GreenBiz, 4 August 2016

Reporting standards are changing, and they will continue to evolve over the next 18 months. To help companies interpret the implications for their sustainability reporting strategies, BSR conducted an interview with with Eric Hespenheide, interim chief executive the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and chair of Global Sustainability >>> read more

Natural Capital Protocol launched

Source: WBCSD, 13 July 2016

Representatives from over 160 of the world’s leading organizations, spanning business, finance, accounting, conservation, academia, and policy, have met on 13 July in London to celebrate the culmination of a unique collaborative project that has produced the first global Natural Capital >>> read more

GRI announces leadership change

Source: , 9 July 2016

Today, GRI announced Chief Executive Michael Meehan’s decision to leave the organization to pursue other opportunities. The organization will conduct a thorough global multi-stakeholder search for a new Chief Executive. Eric Hespenheide has been appointed Interim Chief Executive and stands down >>> read more