Yesterday 18 May, the 5th edition of the GRI Global Conference started in Amsterdam with 1,200 delegates from 77 countries. During the opening plenary at the conference which was moderated by Bloomberg’s Sustainability Editor, Eric Roston, high profile speakers including >>> read more
New trend report about Sustainability Reporting Instruments
Source: , 18 May 2016Today the new trend report about Sustainability Reporting Instruments has been published. Last year, 2015, was a milestone for sustainability with crucial and unprecedented agreements by the international community, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on >>> read more
Sustainability leaders convene for a move beyond reports to build a transparent economy
Source: , 18 May 2016Today, international sustainability standard setter GRI opened the first day of its 5th Global Conference, welcoming more than 1100 attendees from 77 countries and more than 200 speakers to the Dutch capital. With the theme “Empowering Sustainable Decisions” this year’s >>> read more
Sustainability reporting: why South African companies need to up their game
Source: The Conversation, 17 May 2016Research shows that South African companies are neglecting the more challenging aspects of sustainability reporting, say academics Miemie Struwig and Heidi Janse Van Rensburg, writing for The Conversation: Sustainability reporting combines economic performance with social responsibility and environmental care. It aims to >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting in danger of losing its momentum says ACCA and CDSB in new report
Source: ACCA, 17 May 2016Despite pressing concerns about climate change and growing understanding of the impact of business activities on the planet, sustainability reporting is failing to fulfil its potential. A new report from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and CDSB (the Climate >>> read more
New RobecoSAM study reveals GRI Standards fit for investment-grade disclosures
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 3 May 2016International sustainability standard setter GRI and RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing (SI), have today released the research publication Defining What Matters: Do companies and investors agree on what is material? The publication, funded by the Alcoa >>> read more
Carbon disclosure: the new state of play
Source: Huffington Post, 29 April 2016When we started the Carbon Disclosure Project (now known as CDP) over fifteen years ago, the term disclosure was barely used in relation to climate change. Today, a major effort is underway to establish a global framework for climate-related financial >>> read more
SEC Disclosure Project Takes Sustainability Bent
Source: Bloomberg Briefs, 29 April 2016U.S. securities regulators are taking a fresh look at environmental, social and governance information included in corporate filings, after receiving feedback that current disclosures on areas such as climate-change and political spending may be insufficient. In a 340-page concept release >>> read more
Integrated reporting – what it is – and is not: an interview with Paul Druckman
Source: Toronto Sustainability, 27 April 2016Paul Druckman, CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) addresses some of the misconceptions about what integrated reporting is – and is not – providing insights into how it will develop in this interview with Carol Adams. He also >>> read more
Getting streed-cred from your sustainability reporting
Source: Between-Us, 21 April 2016The valuation impact of sustainability can be very high. ESG based value driver analysis led to a target price impact of -19% at Anglo American and +23% at Chr. Hansen. However, when talking to Investor Relations executives and Board members >>> read more
North American Sustainability Reporting Trends Released
Source: , 20 April 2016The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence recently concluded a comprehensive study that reviewed 415 sustainability-corporate responsibility reports publicly reported in 2015 by companies in North America. This project specifically examined reporting standards/guidelines and external assurance practices most commonly used to >>> read more
First set of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards released for public comment
Source: GRI, 19 April 2016The first set of exposure drafts of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) is now available for public comment. For a period of 90 days, anyone can review the initial set of six GRI Standards and offer feedback to the >>> read more