North American Sustainability Reporting Trends Released

Source: , 20 April 2016

The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence recently concluded a comprehensive study that reviewed 415 sustainability-corporate responsibility reports publicly reported in 2015 by companies in North America.  This project specifically examined reporting standards/guidelines and external assurance practices most commonly used to >>> read more

Integrated reporting: measurement matters

Source: SalterBaxter, 18 April 2016

Everyone’s talking about integrated reporting. But not everyone has realised that there’s a new divide opening up within the integrated reporting movement. It seems clear to us that the integrated reporters who show, rather than tell (and use the lens >>> read more

When It Comes to Sustainability Reporting, What Is Material?

Source: Environmental Leader, 4 April 2016

It’s that time of year again. Time to gather emissions data and other environment-related metrics to prepare corporate sustainability reports and respond to CDP’s, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project’s, annual climate questionnaire. Luckily for companies, reporting organizations are increasingly streamlining their frameworks and >>> read more