International sustainability standard-setter GRI and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the world’s largest private sector network, have announced a partnership agreement outlining their intent to stimulate business action on sustainable development. Both organizations are united in their belief that >>> read more
Integrated reporting: measurement matters
Source: SalterBaxter, 18 April 2016Everyone’s talking about integrated reporting. But not everyone has realised that there’s a new divide opening up within the integrated reporting movement. It seems clear to us that the integrated reporters who show, rather than tell (and use the lens >>> read more
Does rapping your CSR report engage millennials?
Source: Mallen Bakers' blog, 15 April 2016I kid you not, Heineken has gotten Dutch rap artist Kevin ‘Blaxtar’ de Randamie to perform an overview of their 2015 sustainability report. It’s visually well produced, lots of engaging visuals with key stats from the report, lots of creative camera >>> read more
Non-financial reporting no longer a secondary consideration in CEE
Source: Emerging Europe, 7 April 2016The number of non-financial reports is growing and according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), around 5,000 sustainability reports enter the global market, annually with 40 per cent out of those coming from Europe. A group of strong leaders, in >>> read more
Why sustainability reporting is a key tool for savvy managers
Source: GreenBiz.Com, 5 April 2016Responding to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) can be a lengthy process. Addressing the breadth of economic, social and environmental issues covered requires the participation of subject matter experts from across your organization. For some companies, the investment of time >>> read more
When It Comes to Sustainability Reporting, What Is Material?
Source: Environmental Leader, 4 April 2016It’s that time of year again. Time to gather emissions data and other environment-related metrics to prepare corporate sustainability reports and respond to CDP’s, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project’s, annual climate questionnaire. Luckily for companies, reporting organizations are increasingly streamlining their frameworks and >>> read more
UN Global Compact Takes a Action to Help SMEs Report on Progress in Sustainability
Source: UN Global Compact, 2 April 2016Today the United Nations Global Compact launched the express Communication on Progress (COP) to help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) publicly communicate progress on their sustainability efforts. With the express COP the UN Global Compact takes a proactive step to >>> read more
Corporate Reporting Dialogue releases a Statement of Common Principles of Materiality
Source: IIRC, 30 March 2016A comparison of materiality definitions and approaches by eight of the world’s most prominent organizations in corporate reporting is released today. The principles in this paper represent common foundational principles that participants of the Corporate Reporting Dialogue believe to be >>> read more
John Elkington appointed Chairman of the GRI Technology Consortium
Source: GRI, 29 March 2016Today, GRI announced the appointment of sustainability thought-leader and author John Elkington as chairman of the recently established GRI Technology Consortium. John will lead the group and provide his extraordinary vision of a future where business works at the intersection >>> read more
Do corporate responsibility reports take ecological limits into account?
Source: Elsevier, 23 March 2016The recent agreement at the COP21 in Paris included the aims of maintaining average global temperature increases “well below” 2°C. The 2°C guardrail and planetary boundaries are rapidly gaining wider interest, also in industry circles. But are ecological limits also >>> read more
Action on Climate Change: GRI and CDP issue guidance to help organizations disclose their impacts
Source: GRI, 18 March 2016GRI, pioneer of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards, and CDP, host of the largest global collection of self-reported climate change, water and forest-risk data, have just released their latest linkage guidance to support companies in their reporting >>> read more
GRI predicts new formats for sustainability reporting and real-time stakeholder interaction
Source: , 16 March 2016Today, GRI released The Next Era of Corporate Disclosure: Digital, Responsible, Interactive, a digital publication that maps out the future of sustainability reporting and disclosure. According to GRI, the future will involve new formats with organizations moving from annual reports >>> read more