At most companies, work on 2013 sustainability reports is well underway. But it’s not too late to take stock and assess whether you’re giving enough consideration to four major issues recently cited by Ernst & Young: materiality, conflict minerals, social >>> read more
The time is now for company non-financial reporting
Source: EurActiv, 18 February 2014It may seem incredible that anyone can continue arguing that corporations should not be responsible for their impacts on wider society. Yet that was effectively the argument put forward by some European Union member states last week when they attempted >>> read more
GRI en ISO publiceren linkage document over MVO
Source: NEN, 14 February 2014Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) en ISO hebben samen een document opgesteld waarin de relatie tussen GRI G4 en ISO 26000 wordt toegelicht. Zowel GRI als ISO geven organisaties handvatten voor MVO. GRI G4 geeft internationale richtlijnen voor het opstellen van >>> read more
How materiality drives improved sustainability reporting
Source: GreenBiz, 28 January 2014Numerous external forces are converging to create increased awareness of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. These forces are challenging CFOs to reconsider a traditional reporting model that may not effectively meet today’s information needs. Today, 60 percent of CFOs >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting Changes Top EYs 2014 Trends List
Source: Environmental Leader, 15 January 2014The forthcoming conflict minerals reporting deadlines and transition to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 reporting are among the 2014 sustainability trends that Ernst & Youngs Climate Change and Sustainability Services group have identified for companies. Read the top trends, >>> read more
Will EU plan open up Europes supply chains to sustainable reporting?
Source: Supply Management, 9 December 2013Ugo Bassi, the European Commissions Director for Capital and Companies recently announced that about 2,500 large EU companies currently disclose environmental and social information on a regular basis 10% of large, listed EU businesses. The plan, according to Bassi, >>> read more
IIRC releases framework for integrated reporting
Source: IIRC, 9 December 2013The release of the International Integrated Reporting (<IR>) Framework on Monday 9 December 2013, marks an important milestone in the market-led evolution of corporate reporting. It follows a three-month global consultation led by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) earlier >>> read more
GRI is the global standard as sustainability reporting goes mainstream
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 9 December 2013Almost 80 percent of the largest 100 companies in 41 countries worldwide issuing corporate responsibility (CR) reports now use the Global Reporting Initiatives Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, according to a new survey by KPMG. The KPMG International Survey of Corporate Responsibility >>> read more
CR Reporting Adoption Rate Slows, Study Finds
Source: Environmental Leader, 20 November 2013Corporate responsibility reports, once considered a niche activity only practiced by a few companies, has increased rapidly since 2000, but the rate of adoption has slowed in the past two years, according to a report released Tuesday. The slower growth >>> read more
GRI launches GRI Taxonomy 2013 to support digital disclosure of sustainability information
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 November 2013Today (7 November) GRI launches the GRI Taxonomy 2013 that has been fully updated for use with G4, GRIs latest version of the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The GRI Taxonomy 2013 is designed to give organizations better control over the quality >>> read more
WBCSD Releases New Report on Improving the Effectiveness of Non-Financial Reporting
Source: WBCSD, 6 November 2013In the face of unprecedented global, regional and local sustainability challenges, the need for transparent and effective non-financial reporting has never been more urgent. In partnership with Radley Yeldar, the WBCSD has conducted one of the largest independent research projects >>> read more
Farm animal welfare consistently ignored in sustainability reports
Source: The Guardian, 6 November 2013Companies should report on all issues stakeholders care about, not just those considered most material. Failure to do so suggests there’s something to hide. Read the full article by following the link.