How to read a sustainability report

Source: GreenBiz.Com, 30 September 2013

Corporate sustainability reports have been around since … well, it’s hard to say. The first report may have been published by "companies in the chemical industry with serious image problems" in the 1980s, or by Ben & Jerry’s in 1989 >>> read more

Integrated reporting: ‘Voorkauwen of vaag houden?’

Source: PWC, 4 July 2013

Moet ik dan alles voorkauwen of het vaag houden?’ Uit de gesprekken met bestuurders die Robert van der Laan en ex-PwC’er Erik Roelofsen hadden voor hun boek over integrated reporting bleek dat ceo’s zich vaak ergeren aan de slechte voorbereiding >>> read more

9 things you need to know about GRI’s G4

Source: GreenBiz, 24 May 2013

G4 launched yesterday at the GRI Global Conference in Amsterdam. As a GRI-Certified Trainer, BrownFlynn is at the release event — and got a sneak peek at the new system ahead of time. Here are nine changes we noted during >>> read more