Materiality is a hot topic among CSR professionals grappling with questions of what to report, and how. As the name implies, the so-called materiality assessment promises to answer these questions, showing an organization the activities, impacts and achievements it should >>> read more
Integrated reporting: Voorkauwen of vaag houden?
Source: PWC, 4 July 2013Moet ik dan alles voorkauwen of het vaag houden? Uit de gesprekken met bestuurders die Robert van der Laan en ex-PwCer Erik Roelofsen hadden voor hun boek over integrated reporting bleek dat ceos zich vaak ergeren aan de slechte voorbereiding >>> read more
Ambitions and objectives of UN sustainable development agreement subject to wide interpretations from stakeholders around the world, finds ACCA
Source: ACCA Global, 4 July 2013New ACCA report shares the opinions of sustainability reporting experts to help in the development and take-up of paragraph 47. ACCA offers 11 recommendations to help governments intending to proceed with paragraph 47 implementation. The collective thinking of 49 sustainability >>> read more
Corporate Responsibility Report Released Now What?
Source: CSR Wire, 24 June 2013This week, AMD released its 18th annual corporate responsibility (CR) report. After working for months and months to gather data, write the content and finalize the report, it is easy for the reports release to seem like the end goal. >>> read more
Will social media save or kill sustainability reporting?
Source: The Guardian, 3 June 2013Sustainability reporting is missing out on opportunities for dynamic engagement online. A transition to new models is inevitable, but which company will take the first step? Read the full article via the link.
While two-thirds of companies reporting on sustainability use the GRI framework, the same number says difficulties with data collection are among their largest reporting challenges
Source: E&Y, 3 June 2013New Ernst & Young LLP and Boston College survey of sustainability experts examines the benefits of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework and the risks of not reporting In todays competitive business environment, sustainability reporting is evolving into a core business >>> read more
New report with overview of mandatory and voluntary approaches to sustainability reporting and assurance
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 30 May 2013A new updated reports has been published with an up-todate and expanded overview of mandatory and voluntary approaches to sustainability reporting and assurance. The updated publication covers most OECD countries, as well as new emerging market countries in addition to >>> read more
9 things you need to know about GRI’s G4
Source: GreenBiz, 24 May 2013G4 launched yesterday at the GRI Global Conference in Amsterdam. As a GRI-Certified Trainer, BrownFlynn is at the release event — and got a sneak peek at the new system ahead of time. Here are nine changes we noted during >>> read more
Has the GRI consigned itself to irrelevance?
Source: GreenBiz, 23 May 2013In a stunning display of willful negligence, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today released the long-awaited update to its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, G4, in which known defects are left firmly in place. Of particular concern is GRIs handling of the >>> read more
Eumedion en VBA steunen voorstel Europese Commissie voor meer MVO-informatie in jaarverslagen
Source: Eumedion, 23 May 2013Eumedion en de VBA-Beroepsvereniging voor Beleggingsdeskundigen steunen het voorstel van de Europese Commissie om grote Europese beursgenoteerde ondernemingen te dwingen meer informatie te publiceren over hun beleid op het terrein van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO). Eumedion en de VBA schrijven >>> read more
G4 is future of sustainability reporting, say business leaders
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 22 May 2013​Business leaders today called on companies and organizations around the world to embrace the next generation of the Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – G4. G4 was unveiled before an audience of 1,600 thought leaders and practitioners from around >>> read more
10 Costly Mistakes of CSR Reporting
Source:, 6 May 2013CSR reporting has become the norm for any company committed to responsible business practice. But, when done incorrectly, reporting can do more harm than good. The following are 10 mistakes to avoid when planning, conducting and promoting your CSR report: >>> read more