In a stunning display of willful negligence, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today released the long-awaited update to its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, G4, in which known defects are left firmly in place. Of particular concern is GRIs handling of the >>> read more
Eumedion en VBA steunen voorstel Europese Commissie voor meer MVO-informatie in jaarverslagen
Source: Eumedion, 23 May 2013Eumedion en de VBA-Beroepsvereniging voor Beleggingsdeskundigen steunen het voorstel van de Europese Commissie om grote Europese beursgenoteerde ondernemingen te dwingen meer informatie te publiceren over hun beleid op het terrein van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO). Eumedion en de VBA schrijven >>> read more
G4 is future of sustainability reporting, say business leaders
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 22 May 2013​Business leaders today called on companies and organizations around the world to embrace the next generation of the Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – G4. G4 was unveiled before an audience of 1,600 thought leaders and practitioners from around >>> read more
10 Costly Mistakes of CSR Reporting
Source:, 6 May 2013CSR reporting has become the norm for any company committed to responsible business practice. But, when done incorrectly, reporting can do more harm than good. The following are 10 mistakes to avoid when planning, conducting and promoting your CSR report: >>> read more
‘Next step’ in sustainability reporting to be unveiled in May, says GRI
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 18 April 2013The next generation of the Global Reporting Initiatives Sustainability Reporting Guidelines G4 will be unveiled next month, it was confirmed today. The latest evolution of the GRI Guidelines now the most widely used comprehensive sustainability reporting framework >>> read more
IIRC Releases Corporate Reporting Model for Consultation
Source: IIRC, 16 April 2013The International Integrated Reporting Council today published a consultation draft of its corporate reporting model and is asking businesses, investors and other stakeholders worldwide to comment on the document. The International Integrated Reporting Framework creates the foundations for a new >>> read more
EU Commission moves to enhance business transparency on social and environmental matters
Source: European Commission, 16 April 2013The European Commission has today proposed an amendment to existing accounting legislation in order to improve the transparency of certain large companies on social and environmental matters. Companies concerned will need to disclose information on policies, risks and results as >>> read more
European corporate sustainability reporting law to be announced
Source: AccountancyLive, 15 April 2013The European Commission is to announce details of a new corporate reporting law requiring large companies to include information about the social, environmental and human rights impacts of their operations in their financial reports and accounts. Read the full article >>> read more
US Lags in Sustainability Reporting Assurance
Source: Environmental Leader, 9 April 2013While more than half (53 percent) of all companies in the S&P 500 Index and Fortune 500 published sustainability reports in 2011 up from 19 percent the year before companies in the US are less likely to obtain >>> read more
Bloomberg and Dow Top Rankings of GRI Application
Source: Environmental Leader, 9 April 2013Dow Chemical scored highest among Fortune 100 companies when it comes to applying the Global Reporting Initiatives guidelines for sustainability reporting, according to a study by the iCompli division of BPA Worldwide and IRAS. Bloomberg topped the list of media >>> read more
Could the GRI G4 Guidelines Become Too Burdensome For Business?
Source: Triple Pundit, 9 April 2013Next month, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) will host its global conference in Amsterdam, a three-day event that will round up the top sustainability professionals and corporate social responsibility thinkers across the globe. Among the key topics under discussion is >>> read more
Closing the context gap: sustainability reporting is failing us
Source: The Guardian, 9 April 2013Sustainability reporting has only shown which companies are "less bad" when what we really need is a minimum standard. When Deloitte Netherlands published the results of its first zero impact growth monitor (ZIG-M) last year, the press and social media >>> read more