Royal HaskoningDHV topadviseur MVO Transparantiebenchmark

Source: Royal HaskoningDHV, 28 November 2012

DHV is wederom het best-scorende advies- en ingenieursbureau in de jaarlijkse MVO-Transparantiebenchmark van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Daarnaast heeft Royal HaskoningDHV maar liefst vijf bedrijven in de top 20 op enigerlei wijze geadviseerd bij hun duurzaamheidsverslaglegging. Op de totale >>> read more

How to make corporate reporting more meaningful

Source: GreenBiz, 12 September 2012

In a recent article in Green Money Journal, Amy Domini of Domini Social Investments pointed out that largely through the efforts of sustainable investors, the number of companies issuing sustainability reports over the past 30 years has exploded from a >>> read more

Companies asked to report on social responsibility in China

Source: China Daily, 21 August 2012

The China Association of Public Companies urged listed companies to publish corporate social responsibility reports. The move would allow companies to timely release operational information, focus on investors’ returns and boost market confidence, the association said. Read the full article >>> read more

IIRC Releases Draft Outline of Integrated Reporting Framework

Source: IIRC, 3 August 2012

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) today releases the Draft Outline of the Integrated Reporting Framework. The Outline establishes for the first time the basic structure of the Framework and is intended to keep stakeholders informed as the Framework is >>> read more

Nasdaq Joins Four Exchanges In Sustainability Effort

Source: Bloomberg, 21 June 2012

Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. (NDAQ) joined stock exchanges in Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Istanbul and Cairo in an effort to require listed companies to report material information about environmental, social and governance risks. The exchanges agreed to urge their more than >>> read more