Op 4 december 2012 mochten Umicore, bopro en Antwerpse Havengemeenschap een Award 2012 for Best Belgian Sustainability Report (ABBSR) in ontvangst nemen. Ze werden resp. bekroond in de categorieën grote en middelgrote ondernemingen, kleine ondernemingen en overige organisaties. Delhaize Groep, >>> read more
Royal HaskoningDHV topadviseur MVO Transparantiebenchmark
Source: Royal HaskoningDHV, 28 November 2012DHV is wederom het best-scorende advies- en ingenieursbureau in de jaarlijkse MVO-Transparantiebenchmark van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Daarnaast heeft Royal HaskoningDHV maar liefst vijf bedrijven in de top 20 op enigerlei wijze geadviseerd bij hun duurzaamheidsverslaglegging. Op de totale >>> read more
Sustainability reports check more boxes but miss big picture
Source: GreenBiz, 7 November 2012Corporate sustainability reports are simultaneously getting better and worse, according to our research at DNV Two Tomorrows, a sustainability consulting firm. Read the full article by following the link
10 years of GRI in the Netherlands
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 26 October 2012This year, GRI celebrates its 10 year anniversary in the Netherlands. The last 10 years have been quite a journey, with no shortage of highlights. GRI was founded in Boston in 1997 by the US non-profit organizations the Coalition for >>> read more
How to make corporate reporting more meaningful
Source: GreenBiz, 12 September 2012In a recent article in Green Money Journal, Amy Domini of Domini Social Investments pointed out that largely through the efforts of sustainable investors, the number of companies issuing sustainability reports over the past 30 years has exploded from a >>> read more
What is Sustainability Reporting? 8 Tips for the Casual Reader
Source: TriplePundit, 29 August 2012When you read a financial report you can generally understand its main points even if youre not an analyst or finance professional. This is mainly because these reports use a set of guidelines and rules (GAAP) and a uniform format >>> read more
Sustainability reporting framework in India soon for companies
Source: India Times, 23 August 2012he Ministry of Corporate Affairs will soon come out with a sustainability reporting framework for companies to ensure that they follow certain parameters while meeting environmental challenges. "We are coming out with a sustainability reporting framework. Any corporate body while >>> read more
Companies asked to report on social responsibility in China
Source: China Daily, 21 August 2012The China Association of Public Companies urged listed companies to publish corporate social responsibility reports. The move would allow companies to timely release operational information, focus on investors’ returns and boost market confidence, the association said. Read the full article >>> read more
Call for public to help improve sustainability reporting on anti-corruption and greenhouse gas emissions
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 15 August 2012Sustainability reporting experts are calling on professionals and organizations to help improve the way companies report on anti-corruption and greenhouse gas emissions, by providing feedback on draft guidance before 12 November 2012. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is asking the >>> read more
IIRC Releases Draft Outline of Integrated Reporting Framework
Source: IIRC, 3 August 2012The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) today releases the Draft Outline of the Integrated Reporting Framework. The Outline establishes for the first time the basic structure of the Framework and is intended to keep stakeholders informed as the Framework is >>> read more
New sustainability reporting guidance released for public consultation
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 26 June 2012Sustainability experts, organizations and professionals can help shape the future of corporate sustainability reporting, as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) publishes an exposure draft of new guidance for public feedback. GRI produces a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely >>> read more
Nasdaq Joins Four Exchanges In Sustainability Effort
Source: Bloomberg, 21 June 2012Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. (NDAQ) joined stock exchanges in Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Istanbul and Cairo in an effort to require listed companies to report material information about environmental, social and governance risks. The exchanges agreed to urge their more than >>> read more