Life and Times of Corporate Reporting

Source: Simon Zadek, 18 June 2012

“The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad”, argued the president of the bank advising Henry Ford not to invest in such new fangled nonsense. The media, predictably myopic, argued similarly when >>> read more

What makes a Sustainability Report good or bad?

Source: , 14 May 2012

My friend and CSR & Sustainability Consultant Juan Villamayor, who writes a great blog, is also writing a dissertation on the quality of Sustainability Reporting. In return for the promise of loads of ice-cream the next time I am in >>> read more

Sustainability Reports: Worth the Effort

Source: BSR, 16 February 2012

I have spent the first six weeks of 2012 working with companies to create sustainability reports, and the mix of companies has been refreshingly diverse—first-time reporters and experienced old-hands, reporters from developed and emerging markets, companies with huge direct impacts >>> read more

10 reasons NOT to write a CSR report

Source: Edie.Net, 16 February 2012

The pressure to report may be increasing – but that doesn’t mean your company has to jump into the reporting pool. Elaine Cohen outlines ten valid arguments for the debut CSR report to be put on hold Read the full >>> read more

Adding Value to Your Next CSR Repo

Source: CBSR, 2 February 2012

Last week, together with Wes Gee from Stantec and Sonya Fiorini from Loblaw, CBSR delivered a well attended webinar on sustainability reporting. Reflecting on the discussions from the webinar, I would like to emphasize some key points that aim to >>> read more