Editorial independence, a journalists freedom of expression, and the responsibility a video game creator takes for influencing the mind of a player can now be reported by media companies, thanks to new guidance being launched today (Friday 4 May 2012) >>> read more
Sustainability data revealed easily with new reporting format (XBRL)
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 9 March 2012Data on the sustainability performance of companies including carbon emissions, water use and human rights infringements can now be easily revealed thanks to a new format for tagging data in sustainability reports, being launched today (Thursday 8 March >>> read more
Oil and gas sector taps into sustainability, as new reporting guidance launched
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 29 February 2012Oil spills, carbon emissions and safety can now be reported on by companies in the oil and gas sector, thanks to new guidance published today (Wednesday 29 February 2012) by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Since the Gulf of Mexico >>> read more
Gore Calls for Integrated Reporting, End to Quarterly Guidance
Source: Environmental Leader, 20 February 2012Companies should end quarterly financial reporting and start producing integrated reports, according to former vice president Al Gore and former Goldman Sachs Asset Management CEO David Blood. Read the full article by following the link.
10 reasons NOT to write a CSR report
Source: Edie.Net, 16 February 2012The pressure to report may be increasing – but that doesn’t mean your company has to jump into the reporting pool. Elaine Cohen outlines ten valid arguments for the debut CSR report to be put on hold Read the full >>> read more
Sustainability Reports: Worth the Effort
Source: BSR, 16 February 2012I have spent the first six weeks of 2012 working with companies to create sustainability reports, and the mix of companies has been refreshingly diversefirst-time reporters and experienced old-hands, reporters from developed and emerging markets, companies with huge direct impacts >>> read more
The 6 Biggest Trends in Sustainability Reporting
Source: GreenBiz.com, 6 February 2012At the GreenBiz Forum in New York City last week, Ernst & Young offered a preview of fall 2011 survey results of sustainability program and reporting trends at leading companies in 24 sectors. Of the more than 270 respondents, 85 >>> read more
Adding Value to Your Next CSR Repo
Source: CBSR, 2 February 2012Last week, together with Wes Gee from Stantec and Sonya Fiorini from Loblaw, CBSR delivered a well attended webinar on sustainability reporting. Reflecting on the discussions from the webinar, I would like to emphasize some key points that aim to >>> read more
Sustainability reporting: immediate choices for the future
Source: The Guardian, 31 January 2012Two new reports call for mandatory reporting as sustainability becomes increasingly central to the future of business. Two recent developments in the Rio+20 context will help prompt welcome – and overdue – attention to the crucial role that corporate reporting >>> read more
UN Documents Propose Mandatory Sustainability Reporting
Source: Environmental Leader, 31 January 2012Two influential documents the Rio+20 negotiating text and the recommendations of the U.N. secretary generals High Level Panel on Global Sustainability both propose tighter sustainability reporting requirements for businesses, according to Chatham House fellow Paul Hohnen, writing in >>> read more
21 Ways to Make Your Sustainability Report Stand Out from the Crowd
Source: Sustainable Business Forum, 18 January 2012nspired by this post on Geenbiz.com entitled "I published my CSR Report. Where’s my media coverage?", in which Elin Nosewski offers some tips about how to get noticed by reporters and bloggers – mainly focusing on the report content, I >>> read more
GRI geeft XBRL-taxonomie vrij voor openbare consultatie
Source: Accountant, 9 January 2012Het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) nodigt organisaties en experts uit een nieuw format voor het rapporteren van duurzaamheidsrapporten te testen op basis van de GRI-richtlijnen. Lees het volledige artikel via de link.