Two new reports call for mandatory reporting as sustainability becomes increasingly central to the future of business. Two recent developments in the Rio+20 context will help prompt welcome – and overdue – attention to the crucial role that corporate reporting >>> read more
UN Documents Propose Mandatory Sustainability Reporting
Source: Environmental Leader, 31 January 2012Two influential documents the Rio+20 negotiating text and the recommendations of the U.N. secretary generals High Level Panel on Global Sustainability both propose tighter sustainability reporting requirements for businesses, according to Chatham House fellow Paul Hohnen, writing in >>> read more
21 Ways to Make Your Sustainability Report Stand Out from the Crowd
Source: Sustainable Business Forum, 18 January 2012nspired by this post on entitled "I published my CSR Report. Where’s my media coverage?", in which Elin Nosewski offers some tips about how to get noticed by reporters and bloggers – mainly focusing on the report content, I >>> read more
GRI geeft XBRL-taxonomie vrij voor openbare consultatie
Source: Accountant, 9 January 2012Het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) nodigt organisaties en experts uit een nieuw format voor het rapporteren van duurzaamheidsrapporten te testen op basis van de GRI-richtlijnen. Lees het volledige artikel via de link.
I Published My CSR Report. Wheres My Media Coverage?
Source: GreenBiz, 4 January 2012We help companies tell their stories. And these days, more and more of those stories are about sustainability. Often the starting point for this conversation is a shiny, new sustainability report. Whether it’s your first foray into reporting or your >>> read more
Why it is Time to Stop Accepting Unaudited CSR reports
Source: Triple Pundit, 21 December 2011We are usually very excited to hear about every CSR report that is being released, as we know this is an indication of another company that is moving forward in the right direction. We read these reports, sometimes raising questions >>> read more
Sustainability Reports: Separating Green Winners from Green Washers
Source:, 20 December 2011Most corporate social responsibility reports look great on the surface. But how do you read between the lines to separate the green heroes from the green washers? This article looks at reports from Merck, Procter and Gamble, De Beers, Ferrero >>> read more
Sustainability reporting enters a new phase, say experts
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 15 December 2011Reporting corporate economic, environmental and social performance is entering a new phase, moving from a pioneering and experimental practice to become standard practice, say sustainability reporting experts. The number of reports continues to increase, as does the variety of organizations >>> read more
Are Sustainability Reports Really That Bad?
Source: Sustainable Business Forum, 13 December 2011The shock-horror headline "Howlers and omissions exposed in world of corporate social responsibility" which first appeared in the Guardian on 24th November 2011, and then rapidly did the rounds of all online CSR news and information sites, morphing into "Lies, >>> read more
Sustainability leader appointed Chairman of the Global Reporting Initiative
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 30 November 2011Sustainability leader and Worldconnector Herman Mulder has been appointed Chairman of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)s Board of Directors. Herman Mulder is a member of the board of the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational >>> read more
Howlers and omissions exposed in world of corporate social responsibility
Source: The Guardian, , 25 November 2011Environment reports by some of the world’s biggest companies are routinely including wrong statistics and leaving out vital information, according to the most comprehensive study yet carried out. The examination of more than 4,000 corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports and >>> read more
Delhaize Groep wint prijs voor beste duurzaamheidsverslag
Source: Delhaize Groep, 25 November 2011Het Belgisch Instituut van Bedrijfsrevisoren, Business and Society, een vereniging die bedrijven samenbrengt rond maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en Kauri, een netwerk van multi-stakeholders, steunen actief het uitgeven van duurzaamheidsverslagen in België. Vandaag heeft de onafhankelijke jury, samengesteld door deze drie >>> read more