IPIECA, API and OGP have published a major update of the Oil and gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reporting . This report draws on the very best technical expertise from within the industry, bringing greater precision to indicator definitions >>> read more
Reporting Change: Readers & Reporters Survey 2010
Source: Sustainabilty, 3 February 2011It has been over 20 years since the first environmental reports addressed the non-financial impacts of companies on society. Sustainability reporting has grown and greatly evolved since then yet it is not always easy for companies to gain any in-depth >>> read more
Growing Interest in Sustainability Reports Driving Need for Investment-Grade Data
Source: PWC US, 3 February 2011The quality of sustainability and corporate responsibility data that companies disclose will need to improve to keep pace with stakeholder expectations, according to a PwC US report released today, Creating Value from Corporate Responsibility. The report goes on to note >>> read more
United Call For Mandatory Company Reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 3 February 2011Civil society and trade unions are today urging the European Commission to introduce new regulation requiring companies in both industrialized and developing countries to report on their environmental, social, human rights and governance impacts. The Global Reporting Initiative, the European >>> read more
Next Generation Sustainability Reporting, and Getting Up to Speed Today
Source: GreenBiz.com, 3 February 2011If the size of the crowd in today’s "Next Generation Sustainability Reporting" session at the State of Green Business report is any indicator, this is one of the hottest topics around. A more than capacity crowd discussed the opportunities, challenges >>> read more
Eurosif Submits Response to EC Consultation on Non-Financial Reporting
Source: Eurosif, 29 January 2011Eurosif submits its Response to the European Commission consultation on non-financial reporting by companies. We would like to extend our thanks to Eurosif’s Lobbying Advisory Group, Board and to all the Member Affiliates that provided us with input in drafting >>> read more
Eumedion geen voorstander van Europese wetgeving op terrein van niet-financiële verslaggeving
Source: Eumedion, 28 January 2011Eumedion vindt dat de verslaggeving door beursgenoteerde ondernemingen op het terrein van milieu- en sociaal beleid (maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen of niet-financiële verslaggeving) moet verbeteren, maar vindt het te vroeg om hiervoor Europese wetgeving op te stellen. Eumedion vindt dat de >>> read more
Sustainability reports: who is reading the things?
Source: The Guardian blog, 26 January 2011Controversial and occasionally mysterious, the explosion of these vessels of transparency and accountability continues. Was the first true corporate social responsibility (CSR) report written by Shell in 1991 or by Ben & Jerry’s in 1989? Is sustainability reporting the same >>> read more
Survey: Reporting Indicates Company Sustainability
Source: Environmental Leader, 22 January 2011The vast majority of those reading sustainability reports 97 percent say that sustainability reporting itself indicates that a company is improving its performance on sustainability measures. In the poll commissioned by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 60 percent >>> read more
Great Stats; Meaningless Information: The Problem with CSR Reports
Source: Realising your worth, 15 December 2010One of the most frustrating aspects of CSR and Corporate Citizenship reporting is the prolific use of statistics. I mean, who really knows how much carbon "20 Metric Tons" equals? Frankly, I dont even know the difference between metric tons >>> read more
Danisco wins top honour for Corporate Social Responsibility reporting
Source: Danisco A/S, 10 December 2010The Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Denmark (FSR) announced today that Danisco A/S has been named the winner of the Best CSR report of a company listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S (C20). The 2009/10 Danisco CSR report >>> read more
Next Generation of GRI Guidelines on the Horizon
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 4 November 2010The GRI Board of Directors made an important decision in October: GRI will start working on a new version of the GRI Guidelines – the GRI G4 Reporting Guidelines – to be ready by the end of 2012. In line >>> read more