More Companies Publish CSR Reports in China Last Year

Source: RedNet.CN, 17 April 2009

As of the end of 2008, more than 190 companies in China, including some foreign-funded firms, have published their annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports — compared with 19 in 2006, according to China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) >>> read more

How to… make CSR reports credible

Source:, 19 March 2009

In the second part of’s series on CSR reporting, we investigate the steps firms should be taking to ensure their reports avoid the dreaded "greenwash" label. The increase in the number of companies producing CSR reports may be widely >>> read more

Non-financial reporting – Danish reporting rules

Source: Ethical Corporation, 11 March 2009

Companies and investment analysts are divided on the benefits of integrating non-financial information into annual reports. When the Danish government passed legislation in December requiring the country’s largest 1,100 companies to include information on corporate social responsibility in their annual >>> read more

How to… write the perfect CSR report

Source: WhatPC?, 11 March 2009

In the first of an exclusive three-part series on CSR and sustainability reporting, analyses the dos and don’ts of successful CSR reports. In the early days of CSR reporting, most non-financial reports were either exclusively environmental in focus or >>> read more

Bringing the Consumer Perspective to CSR Reporting

Source: GreenBiz.COm, 17 February 2009

What do companies such as Whole Foods, Burt’s Bees and Lowe’s have that corporate America craves? According to consumers: eco-sensibility. Consumers believe that when they support companies like these, they do more than just shop. They align themselves with businesses >>> read more