The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today announced that sportlifestyle company PUMA has become the first member of its Global Action Network for Transparency in the Supply Chain ("The Network"). The central purpose of The Network is for large companies to >>> read more
More Companies Publish CSR Reports in China Last Year
Source: RedNet.CN, 17 April 2009As of the end of 2008, more than 190 companies in China, including some foreign-funded firms, have published their annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports — compared with 19 in 2006, according to China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) >>> read more
Reporting in recession Why bother reporting?
Source: Ethical Corporation, 9 April 2009Sustainability reporting makes even more sense in a hostile economic environment, says Kathee Rebernak We are in the midst of the first recession since the concepts of sustainability and corporate responsibility entered the global consciousness. With it has come much >>> read more
Companies that fail to link their ESG disclosures to corporate strategy fail to connect with investors
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 25 March 2009The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provider of the worlds most widely used framework for disclosure on environmental, social and governance data (ESG) – today released a report examining how companies can frame their ESG disclosures to meet the needs >>> read more
How to… make CSR reports credible
Source:, 19 March 2009In the second part of’s series on CSR reporting, we investigate the steps firms should be taking to ensure their reports avoid the dreaded "greenwash" label. The increase in the number of companies producing CSR reports may be widely >>> read more
Non-financial reporting Danish reporting rules
Source: Ethical Corporation, 11 March 2009Companies and investment analysts are divided on the benefits of integrating non-financial information into annual reports. When the Danish government passed legislation in December requiring the countrys largest 1,100 companies to include information on corporate social responsibility in their annual >>> read more
How to… write the perfect CSR report
Source: WhatPC?, 11 March 2009In the first of an exclusive three-part series on CSR and sustainability reporting, analyses the dos and don’ts of successful CSR reports. In the early days of CSR reporting, most non-financial reports were either exclusively environmental in focus or >>> read more
Sustainability disclosure guidance is on the way for media industry
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 2 March 2009Media sector sustainability reporting guidance will soon be in development, coordinated through a new innovative partnership between The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), AVINA Foundation Colombia, Ibero-American New Journalism Foundation (FNPI), and The Program of Journalism Studies of the Javeriana University. >>> read more
DSM achieves highest score for transparent sustainability reporting
Source: DSM, 17 February 2009Royal DSM N.V., the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, today announces that its Triple P report 2008 achieves an A+ according to the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The A+ rating is >>> read more
Bringing the Consumer Perspective to CSR Reporting
Source: GreenBiz.COm, 17 February 2009What do companies such as Whole Foods, Burt’s Bees and Lowe’s have that corporate America craves? According to consumers: eco-sensibility. Consumers believe that when they support companies like these, they do more than just shop. They align themselves with businesses >>> read more
Oil firms come together to improve sustainability reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 17 February 2009The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today announced that five international oil companies are to help craft new guidance for measuring and disclosing their economic, environmental and social impacts. Amerada Hess (USA), BP (UK), ENI (Italy), Shell (UK) and StatoilHydro (Norway) >>> read more
Norwegian companies urged to disclose their sustainability performance
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 1 February 2009The Norwegian government has launched its first national white paper on corporate social responsibility in a globalised economy. The white paper clarifies the responsibility companies have regarding public reporting on sustainability performance including human rights, decent working conditions, the >>> read more