More transparency needed in European assurance reports

Source: Ernst & Young, 22 May 2008

Transparency in assurance reports on corporate responsibility disclosures can be greatly improved. Major differences in terms of topics discussed and the lack of information create confusion. This makes comparison between reports impossible, both those issued by auditors and those issued >>> read more

Australian guide for sustainability reporting published

Source: Group of 100, 20 May 2008

The Group of 100, representing the chief financial officers of Australia’s largest business enterprises, and KPMG today released a comprehensive good practice guide for companies and organisations engaged in the preparation of sustainability reports. The publication, entitled “Sustainability Reporting: A >>> read more

CSR Reporting: Rainbows Versus ROI

Source: Environmental Leader, 18 April 2008

You’ve heard it all before*. Someone reviews a corporate social responsibility report and complains that there are too many pictures of rainbows and smiling children. There’s not enough hard data. It’s clearly a marketing piece. On the other hand, overly-analytical >>> read more

Corporate disclosure on sustainability in Canada

Source: Stratos, 17 April 2008

Stratos today announced results of a national study examining sustainability reporting trends and the best practices of some of Canada’s leading corporations. The study, the latest in their series of biennial reports, highlights high levels of disclosure of corporate information >>> read more

Climate Change Hits Top of Corporate Agenda

Source: CorporateRegister, 11 February 2008

The issue of climate change has made it to the top of the corporate big wheel, with 87 percent of non-financial reports from Global FT500 companies reporting on the issue, according to a report from’s ‘Corporate Climate Communications’ >>> read more