Stratos today announced results of a national study examining sustainability reporting trends and the best practices of some of Canadas leading corporations. The study, the latest in their series of biennial reports, highlights high levels of disclosure of corporate information >>> read more
45 sustainability reports remain in the running for unique and innovative honor
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 11 April 2008The finishing line is in sight: Global Reporting Initiative Readers Choice Awards Finalists Revealed. Winners to be announced in Amsterdam, 7 May. For the past five years jury-based award programs for sustainability reports have put the same handful of companies >>> read more
Buenos Aires mandates sustainability reporting
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 March 2008Companies with more than 300 employees will now have to produce sustainability reports, the city of Buenos Aires has just announced. From this month onwards companies affected will have to make annual sustainability reports based on their social, economic, and >>> read more
GRI research published on sustainability reporting trends in the food processing sector
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 7 March 2008A survey on the trends in sustainability reporting among food processing companies has just been released by GRI. The research has uncovered a number of sector specific issues that regularly appear in reports but are not currently covered in the >>> read more
Global Reporting Initiative werkt aan duurzaamheidverslag-geving voedselverwerkende industrie
Source: Food Holland, 22 February 2008Het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) brengt wereldwijde richtlijnen uit over de inhoud van een duurzaamheidverslag. De komende twee jaren wordt door een groep, die voor de helft bestaat uit bedrijven (o.a. Nestlé) en voor de helft uit belangengroepen (o.a. het >>> read more
Corporate responsibility reports: The role of assurance providers and stakeholder panels
Source: PWC, 14 February 2008Using a stakeholder panel, in addition to an assurance provider, can give a more complete picture of a companys Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance, according to a new survey by PwC. The global survey of PwC clients found that stakeholder >>> read more
Edelman Launches Global Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Communications Report
Source: Edelman, 12 February 2008Research findings developed with Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, Net Impact and World Business Council for Sustainable Development assess trends and best practices in corporate responsibility communications. Transparency in communications is a key indicator of a socially responsible company >>> read more
Climate Change Hits Top of Corporate Agenda
Source: CorporateRegister, 11 February 2008The issue of climate change has made it to the top of the corporate big wheel, with 87 percent of non-financial reports from Global FT500 companies reporting on the issue, according to a report from CorporateRegister.coms Corporate Climate Communications >>> read more
New report about Sustainability Reporting in emerging markets
Source:, 30 January 2008A new report about Sustainability Reporting in emerging markets has been published. This report summarizes a research project investigating the current level of sustainability reporting and disclosure by emerging market companies. The report is the first analysis of emerging market >>> read more
Sustainability reporting: it’s not rocket science
Source: Accountancy Age, 15 January 2008The launch of the report of the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Project just before Christmas was hugely important. For the first time, business and the public sector now has a simple and clear framework on which to base >>> read more
Sustainability Reporting: Earth in the Balance Sheet
Source: CFO Magazine, 10 January 2008Sustainability reports offer plenty of eye candy, but can they actually help managers make better decisions? Three weeks before Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to sound the alarm on climate change, a coalition of investors, >>> read more
New Sustainability Reporting Ratings of Roberts Environmental Center
Source: Roberts Environmental Center, 10 January 2008The Roberts Environmental Center analyzes the environmental and social reporting of the world’s largest companies and publishes the results of up to 30 companies at a time in industrial sector reports. We rank the companies for overall quality of reporting >>> read more