Up until early November, UK companies were not required to file CSR reports. With the passing of the Companies Act; the largest bill to pass through Commons, directors will have to report on what they are doing and therefore, having >>> read more
SustainAbilitys published fourth international benchmark of corporate sustainability reporting
Source: SustainAbility, 13 November 2006Tomorrows Value, SustainAbilitys fourth international benchmark of corporate sustainability reporting, has once again been developed in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Standard & Poor’s. This year we introduce a revised methodology, developed in close consultation with >>> read more
Results of CSR ranking Global 500 companies by Fortune
Source: CNN, 24 October 2006About one in every ten dollars of assets under management in the U.S. – an estimated $2.3 trillion out of $24 trillion – is being invested in companies that rate highly on some measure of social responsibility. That’s a $2.3 >>> read more
Comparison CSR reporting of Largest Listed Companies in Eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries with Peers in BRIC and Ukraine
Source: Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program, 18 October 2006Today, the Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program publishes its seventh semi-annual Survey of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the Ten Largest Listed Companies (by market capitalization) in 11 Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries. This edition of >>> read more
New Web Tool Aims to Simplify and Improve UN Global Compact Reporting
Source: OneReport, 18 October 2006The UN Global Compact has launched a comprehensive, web-based tool – OneReport Communication on Progress (COP) Publisher – to help Global Compact participants prepare and publish progress reports on integrating the ten principles into day-to-day business operations and practices. Developed >>> read more
CIMA report highlights shortcomings in sustainability reporting
Source: CIMA, 9 October 2006Significant improvements to sustainability reporting and data collection are likely to be needed to meet the requirements of the forthcoming Companies Bill (formerly known as the Company Law Reform Bill), based on newly-published CIMA funded research on sustainability reporting. Accounting >>> read more
Carrots & Sticks for Better Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Source: UNEP, 6 October 2006The harmonization of voluntary standards and mandatory regulation will lead to higher quality and more useful corporate sustainability reporting, according to new research released here today. Carrots and Sticks for Starters, a joint report from the United Nations Environment Programme >>> read more
GRI new rules aim to boost responsible reporting
Source: Reuters, 4 October 2006Companies and organisations will get a new and simpler "score card" to measure their social and environmental impact when the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) kicks off a major conference this week. Backed by former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore as well >>> read more
The Russian Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: PWC, 22 September 2006The Russian Sustainability Reporting Awards, organised by audit and consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, is held in conjunction with The European Awards for Sustainability Reporting. The Russian competition is co-organised along with PricewaterhouseCoopers by the rating agency Expert RA, the Institute of >>> read more
Ceres/ACCA Seeking Nominations for 2006 Sustainability Reporting Awards
Source: CERES, 20 September 2006Ceres and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) today called for submissions to the Ceres-ACCA North American Awards for Sustainability Reporting 2006. The deadline for submissions is October 27, 2006. The purpose of the awards program is to acknowledge >>> read more
The Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency
Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 12 September 2006The Global Reporting Initiatives conference on sustainability and reporting, Reporting: a Measure of Sustainability, will draw together an impressive array of more than 120 speakers and participants from around the world. Date: 3 and 4 october 2006 in Amsterdam. Speakers >>> read more
GM again tops motor vehicles and parts sector sustainability reporting
Source: Roberts Environmental Center, 4 August 2006Of the 30 companies in the motor vehicles and parts sector whose environmental and sustainability reporting was analyzed by the Roberts Environmental Center in 2006, General Motors (U. S.) again achieved the highest ranking in environmental and sustainability reporting based >>> read more