CSR Europe is organizing on 14 December the European Seminar “The EU directive on non-financial information: ready for the race?”. This seminar will give you the opportunity to discuss the state of play and implementation of this legislation.
The purpose is to:
- Look at how governments have transposed the directive, with a special focus on scope, reporting model and expectations on verification;
- Assess the awareness and capacity building of companies that will be directly or indirectly impacted by the EU directive.
- Guide you through a ‘Seven Steps Checklist’, with a special focus on (1) what your 2018 report should or may contain and (2) on whether or not the members of your administrative, management and supervisory bodies have already or not yet collective responsibility for the content and methodology of disclosure adhering to the requirements of the directive;
- Identify the gaps, urging for more collaboration at national and European level as well as at sector or cross-sectorial level.
Who is it for?
- Corporate Sustainability & Reporting Managers
- Corporate CSR Managers
- EU policy makers & International Organisations (EC, EP, EU Presidency, GRI, CDSB etc.)
- European association and civil society associations
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – 09:00 to 14:00