GRI, architect of the worlds most widely used sustainability reporting framework, unveiled the GRI G4 Exam, a first-of-its-kind opportunity for sustainability professionals to demonstrate their knowledge of G4 and the GRI Reporting Process. Individuals who have attended one of GRIs Certified Training Courses or Training Modules are now eligible to take the G4 Exam for a fee. Trainees who earn a passing score on the exam will receive a certificate to that effect and their names will be listed on the GRI website. In this way, these practitioners can increase their credibility and good reputation in the sustainability field.
Of GRIs decision to develop the G4 Exam, Chief Executive Michael Meehan said, With more than 17,000 GRI reports registered in our database and more than 19,000 professionals having attended a GRI Certified Training Course, the practice of sustainability reporting is poised to take a quantum leap, as organizations begin using the reporting process for strategic decision-making, to innovate and create value for their stakeholders. The G4 Exam will help stimulate this next step in sustainable development by increasing the number of highly skilled professionals working in the field.
The GRI G4 Exam tests candidates on their knowledge of the content of the G4 Guidelines, as well as the 5 phases of the GRI Reporting process: Prepare, Connect, Define, Monitor and Report. The exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions and test takers will be given 90 minutes to complete them. Candidates, who score at least 75%, will receive a passing mark. The exam can be taken at 4,500 test centers in 70 countries and individuals only become eligible to do so after attending a training course or module given by one of GRIs Certified Training Partners. Candidates in developing countries can take this exam for a reduced fee and members of GRIs OS Program are also eligible for a discount.
Since 2008, thousands of sustainability professionals have attended one of the high-quality courses provided by our Certified Training Partners, said GRIs Director of Services Asthildur Hjaltadottir. The GRI G4 Exam is the logical next step, giving trainees a chance to show their thorough understanding of our framework.