February 2003 Update of GRI

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 27 February 2004

The February 2003 Update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Attention software developers: GRI issues RFP
13 February 2004

There is wide recognition that software-based reporting tools could offer an important ‘win/win’ contribution to sustainability reporting. Such tools have significant potential to facilitate and add value to reporting based on the GRI framework. GRI will partner with a number of organisations to create a series of tools geared toward bridging the existing "delivery" gap between GRI report writers and report readers. There are three main elements to the overall reporting portal GRI is striving to create: a central reports repository, a reporting wizard, and a centre for information exchange.

At this time, GRI invites interested parties to submit proposals for the development of one or more aspects of the reporting portal. GRI has provided very basic information about the main aspects it would like developed as a way to encourage creativity and innovative thinking. Proposals are due on 27 March 2004. Follow the link below to read the full Request for Proposals (RFP).

Matching leading universities with GRI reporters for improved sustainability reporting

"Matchmaker" is a unique program that bridges academic interest with private-sector experience in sustainability reporting.

What do McDonald’s, Rabobank and IUCN have in common?

On the surface these three organisations seem quite different, but they do share a common goal: to support GRI in its mission to create and maintain the world’s only sustainability reporting framework.

New milestone for GRI reporting: 400+ organisations

An important milestone was reached this week in the pursuit of credible, comprehensive and comparable information on the sustainability performance of organisations worldwide.

Calvert files shareholder resolutions asking for GRI-based reporting

The US based socially responsible investment firm Calvert has filed its shareholder resolutions for 2004. For 20 years, Calvert has demonstrated its commitment to increasing social and environmental accountabilityÂ…

Participants from ‘Down Under’ speak up at the Oceanic Regional Roundtable

The third in a series of six regional roundtables designed to elicit feedback from GRI report writers and report information users occurred in Melbourne, Australia on 4-5 February.

GRI’s annual review for 2003: Gaining momentum!

As the Global Reporting Initiative’s first full year as an independent institution comes to an end, we want to share with you some brief reflections on where we’ve been, and where we’re going in this exciting global multi-stakeholder partnership.

Are you a GRI whiz? Take the quiz!

In order to get a better understanding of what our network knows about us, GRI has constructed an on-line quiz. Just 10 quick questions in an easy-to-use format make the quiz fun and informative.

GRI on the road in March: Germany and Canada

GRI is happy to be a part of two major events coming up in March. GRI Associate Director Ralph Thurm will attend EMAN’s 2004 Conference in Lunenburg, Germany on March 4.

New reporters this month: BAT takes it one country at a time

Of particular interest this month is the number of British American Tobacco reports that have come to GRI’s attention.

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