GRI Update September 2004

Source: Global Reporting Initiative, 24 September 2004

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) September News Update.
GRI issues clarification note on "in accordance" expectations
23 September 2004

In the two years since the release of the Guidelines the use of the "in accordance" option for reporting has generated much interest among reporting organisations and their stakeholders alike. Today GRI recognises over 40 organisations that
have issued one or more in accordance reports.
In the interest of balancing experimentation, flexibility and comparability, GRI has closely monitored how reporting organisations have applied the in accordance
requirements, and has solicited feedback from its global network on their level of satisfaction with in accordance reporting results. As a consequence, GRI has identified two specific areas where further clarification on expectations are
needed: Explanation of omissions and the CEO statement. GRI has issued a note of clarification that delves into both of these areas in more detail, and concludes with information on GRI’s new offer to review in accordance reports prior to
their publication.

New reports added to the database this month

GRI has added 42 new reports this month, including one from Jamalco – the first GRI reporter from Jamaica. Five new reports from Canadian companies indicate new interest in reporting from that country.

Thank you for your input on GRI’s sustainability report: survey results now available

222 individuals contributed their feedback via questionnaire over the last weeks. GRI elicited opinions on the basic parameters of its first sustainability report…

Boundaries protocol available for public comment

After 10 months of research, working group meetings and practitioners network consultations, GRI is pleased to launch the boundaries technical protocol for public comment.

Announcing a diverse array of new members

19 new Organisational Stakeholders added their names to GRI’s growing international membership base. GRI is pleased to welcome AngloGold Ashanti, BP, and Nuon -all of which use the GRI Guidelines…

Longtime GRI staff person and advisor passes the torch

Nancy Bennet, GRI’s Associate Director for Development and External Relations
has departed the secretariat to pursue a Master’s Degree in International Law
at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

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