Global Reporting Initiative News Update – May 2005
Now Open: Public comment period for the Logistics and Transportation Sector Supplement
In partnership with the Logistics & Transportation Corporate Citizenship Initiative
of the World Economic Forum (L&TCCI WEF), the GRI has coordinated the development
of a Logistics and Transportation Sector Supplement.
New book: Practical guide to communicating progress on Global Compact Principles
Beginning in June of this year all companies participating in the Global Compact
must submit a Communication on Progress (COP) describing the actions and outcomes
achieved in their pursuit of Global Compact Principles.
Presenting You With: this Season’s Slide Collection
To help the extensive GRI network communicate with their diverse audiences, a
slide collection has been developed in partnership with Smith and Associates
Sustainable Report Designers called "Building a Common Framework for Sustainability
Canadian investors call for use of GRI Guidelines
The Ethical Funds company has launched a letter-writing campaign in Canada, writing
to over 150 Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange that do not
currently report using the GRI Guidelines to encourage them to start.
Romania, meet the GRI Guidelines
The GRI Guidelines are now available in Romanian, bringing the total number of
languages that they are available
The MNE Declaration and the GRI
A new linkage document has been developed regarding the GRI and the Tripartite
Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy
(MNE Declaration), which breaks down how the two initiatives relate.
With Honours: Old and New Reporters this month
More and more existing GRI reporters are taking the next step and upgrading their
reports to meet the GRI’s In Accordance requirements, which currently signify
the highest level of achievement in terms of applying the Guidelines.
New GRI Documents Available in Chinese
The GRI Guidelines are now available in traditional Chinese characters, complementing
the existing version done in simplified characters.