Zenith Bank Plc has been named ‘Best Company in Sustainability Reporting in Africa’ at the 2017 Sustainability Enterprise Responsibility Awards (SERAS) CSR Awards held at the weekend.
Zenith Bank has blazed a trail, with its 2016 Sustainability Report titled: ‘Creating Wealth Sustainably’ being the first sustainability report in Nigeria, and indeed, the first from Africa’s financial services sector to have adopted the new GRI Standards.
With its 2016 Sustainability Report, Zenith Bank has, true to its pedigree, raised the bar in sustainability reporting within and outside the financial services sector while setting the pace in the adoption of global best standards in reporting. The report has been widely acknowledged in the global sustainability arena.
The new Standards is designed to replace the older GRI G4 reporting guidelines which was the reporting standard Zenith Bank adopted in its 2015 Sustainability Report. The GRI Standards was unveiled in October 2016 by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB).
© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan